Cryptocurrency legends this right over here is the weekly chart for bitcoin and in today's episode what I want to show you is that this area is very likely going to be an accumulation zone and we're going to see some pump action in the next coming weeks. I was in that this was a gathering zone particularly by perusing the volume profile and therefore I will demonstrate you in the present episode how this is very likely going to be an accumulation zone we're also taking a look at bitcoin on the daily on the four hourly to see the immediate short term and we're taking a look at avalanche currently pumping also phantom currently pumping and we are going to analyze the situation because I think all-time highs is very likely in the coming weeks so make sure to stay tuned it's very likely okay that after this you know pump reaction that we do have in the next coming weeks we're not going to go straight to all-time highs.


 Okay everybody's going to be get excited every night everybody's going to expect that okay we're going to aspect start breaking 50 to 53 000 everybody's  come very bullish but there is a major level that we're a have a lot of resistance and one of the only tools that I like to use is the volume profile to take a look at this major resistance right and taking a look here on the chart it is right over here as you can see let me just go to the daily because then we can zoom out and take a look at this entire range and this right over here guys is the 57 to 58 000 where I do believe strongly that once we finish this accumulation zone everything is pointing out that it's you know we are going to see that you know pump after this accumulation zone it may be not going to be tomorrow maybe not going to be in the next coming days I think by next week or so we are going to see this kind of price action and we are going to get heavily rejected.

We were breaking out okay here we were talking about this bump and run scenario on avalanche with this consolidation as soon as we broke out we were extremely bullish we knew that we were going to get resistance here at that 20 that 127 range we knew we were going to retrace from here at this potential level and now we are getting that balance beautifully guys so stay cautious my target here on avalanche in the next coming days potentially is going to be again the 127 range where we could have an attempt on breaking it because it's going to be the fourth retest as you can see here on the chart so this is something that we're going to pay attention all right in the next coming days.