
Most Important abbreviations or full form for General Knowledge | List of abbreviations or Stand for for Students


Most Important abbreviations or full form for General Knowledge | List of abbreviations or Stand for for Students

This article is introduced or help full over 30 words have been used as a provision in Pakistan anteus profession CSS as a general knowledge published by IES spoken English we teach online. Most Common Useful words in daily life

1. BBC is the British Broadcasting Corporation is news.

2. CID one of the favorite offer among all of the people in this world CID has been used for the Criminal Investigation Department.

3. CSP is abbreviation or full form Civil Service of Pakistan.

4. GDP Is a Gross Domestic Product.

5. GHQ as General Headquarter.

6. IBM is knows as International Business Machines Corporation.

7. PR inters services Public Relation.

8. MBA is a Master in Business Administration.

 9. PCS full form or stand for Public Service Commission Sark.

10. SAARC is knows as South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation.

11. UNICEF is United Nation International Children Emergency.

12. UNO is Stand for United Nations or United Nations Organization.

13. USA as United States America.

14. WAPDA is Water and Power Development Authority.

15. WASA is abbreviation Water and Sanitation Agency has been used as sanitary and water agency.

Let's talk about

16. ISAF is International Security Assistance Force.

17. LPG is a Liquefied Petroleum Gas.

18. CNG is Compressed Natural Gas.

19. ECG full form Electro Choreography or Electron choreography.

20. RAM is Random Access Memory.

21. LASER abbreviation is a Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

22. WWW is the World Wide Web such as

23. CPU full form is Central Processing Unit.

24. LCD is a Liquid Crystal Display.

25. NADRA Organization is used for National ID Card due to its abbreviation or stand for National Database and Registration Authority.

26. LED is a Light Emitting Diode.

27. HTTP full form Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

28. GOOGLE full form is Global Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth.

29. COMPUTER abbreviation or full form is Common Operating Machine Particularly Used for Trade Education and Research.

30. SCHOOL abbreviation is Sincerity Capacity Honesty Orderliness Obedience Learning OR Scholars Come Here Over and Out for Learning.

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